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Muffle Furnace NMF-201

Muffle Furnace NMF-201

Muffle Furnace NMF-201

The Muffle Furnace NMF-201 is an automatically controlled P.I.D. device that uses a silicon-controlled rectifier. Designed with cutting-edge features like precise temperature control, it has an operating temperature of 1300 oC and a heating rate of 15 oC/min. The furnace lining is made of high-purity alumina polymer material for low heat storage, heat preservation, and energy savings. Equipped with stable and reliable technology.

Operating temperature RT ~ 1400 °C
Maximum temperature 1400 °C
Capacity 27 L
Thermal rate 15 °C/min
Heating element Silicon carbide rod
Temperature control accuracy ±1 °C
Rated Voltage 220,380 V
Power 9 KW
Inner chamber dimensions 300x300x300 mm
Dimensions 500x400x400 mm
Gross Weight 100 Kg

Muffle Furnace is widely used for testing samples at high temperatures in various industries like plastic, glass, ceramics, biomedical, and metallurgical.

Standard Accessories

Flame-retardant brick for furnace door
High-temperature gloves
Instruction manual
Two heating elements

Optional Accessories

7" HD touchscreen
Ventilation hole
Observation hole
Multi-layer kiln furniture
Corundum crucible
Communication software

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Muffle Furnace