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Automatic Hematology Analyzer NAHA-200

Automatic Hematology Analyzer NAHA-200

Automatic Hematology Analyzer NAHA-200

Automatic Hematology Analyzer NAHA-200 is a double chamber unique hemoglobin test system, that offers throughput of 60 tests/hour. It uses electrical resistance method for counting, hemoglobin cyanide method and SFT method for hemoglobin measurement. Minimum sample volume required for venous and capillary mode is 9.8 µl and 20 µl for venous blood. In this unit 100000 sample results including histograms can be stored. Equipped with 8.4-inch colour TFT display, RS232 interface, internal thermal sensitive printer.

Throughput 60 tests/hour
Measuring principle electrical resistance method for counting, hemoglobin cyanide method and SFT method for hemoglobin measurement
Counting modes Venous, Capillary, and Prediluted
Sample volumes venous and capillary mode: 9.8µl
Pre-diluted: 20µl
Temperature 18°C-30°C
Display 8.4-inch colour TFT display
Storage Up to 100,000 sample results
Printer Built-in thermal sensitive printer
Parameters 20 parameters: WBC, Lymph#, Mid#, Gran#, Lymph%, Mid%, Gran%, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD, PLT, MPV, PDW, PCT, P-LCR
Histogram 3 histograms: WBC, RBC, PLT
Parameter WBC (109 / L)
RBC(1012/ L)
MCV (fL)
PLT(109 / L)
Linear range 0.0-99.9
CV% ≤ 2%
≤ 1.5%
≤ 0.4%
≤ 1.5%
Interface RS232
Power supply AC 220 ± 22 VAC, 50 ±1Hz
Packaging dimension (L×W×H) 33×38×43 cm
Weight 20 kg

Automatic hematology analyzers are used for white blood cell counts, complete blood counts, reticulocyte analysis, and coagulation tests across medical labs, zoo, veterinarian labs, research labs, medical institutes, clinical laboratories etc.

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5 Parts Hematology Analyzer

Automatic Hematology Analyzer NAHA-100

Throughput 35 tests/hour
Measuring principle electrical resistance method for counting, hemoglobin cyanide method and SFT method for hemoglobin measurement
Counting modes Venous, Capillary, and Prediluted
Sample volumes venous and capillary mode: 9.8µl<hr>Pre-diluted: 20µl

Automatic Hematology Analyzer NAHA-101

Throughput 60 samples per hour
Principle Electrical resistance method for counting NBC, RBC, and PLT
Counting Modes Whole Blood and Prediluted
Sample Volume Prediluted:20µL<br/> Whole Blood:9.8µL