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Aerosol Generator NASG-101
Aerosol photometer NAP-100
Air Circulating Chiller NACC-100
Aerosol Generator NASG-200
Aerosol Photometer NAP-101
Air Jacketed CO2 Incubator NACI-100
Air Jacketed CO2 Incubator NACI-101
Air Jacketed CO2 Incubator NACI-102
Air Shower NAS-200
Air Shower NAS-201
Air Shower NAS-202
Air Shower NAS-203
Air Shower NAS-204
Air Shower NAS-205
Air Shower NAS-206
Air Jacketed CO2 Incubator NACI-402
Air Flow Capture Hood NACH-200
Air Jacketed CO2 Incubator NACI-103
Airborne Particle Counter NAPC-300
Airborne Particle Counter NAPC-200
Airborne Particle Counter NAPC-400
Airborne Particle Counter NAPC-401
Anaerobic Jar System NAJS-100
Anaerobic Jar System NAJS-101
Anaerobic Jar System NAJS-102
Anaerobic Jar System NAJS-103
Anaerobic Jar System NAJS-104
Anaerobic Jar System NAJS-105
Anaerobic Jar System NAJS-200
Anaerobic Jar System NAJS-201
Anaerobic Jar System NAJS-202
Anaerobic Jar System NAJS-203
Anaerobic Jar System NAJS-204
Anaerobic Jar System NAJS-205
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer NAAS-100
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer NAAS-200
Analytical Balance NAB-100
Analytical Balance NAB-101
Analytical Balance NAB-102
Analytical Balance NAB-103
Analytical Balance NAB-104
Analytical Balance NAB-105
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer NAAS-201
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer NAAS-202
Automatic Air Purifier NAPR-200
Automatic Air Purifier NAPR-201
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer NAAS-203
Automated Tissue Processor NATP-100
Automatic Distillation Apparatus NADA-100
Automatic Glassware Washer NAGW-104
Automatic Fraction Collector NAFC-100
Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer NABA-100
Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer NABA-101
Automatic glassware washer NAGW-105
Automatic Glassware Washer NAGW-102
Automatic Lifting Rotary Evaporator NARE-102
Automatic melting point meter NMPM-200
Automatic melting point meter NMPM-201
Automatic melting point meter NMPM-202
Automatic melting point meter NMPM-203
Automatic melting point meter NMPM-204
Automatic Potentiometric Titrator NAPT-103
Automatic melting point meter NMPM-100
Automatic melting point meter NMPM-101
Automatic Potentiometric Titrator NAPT-100
Automatic Potentiometric Titrator NAPT-104
Automatic Potentiometric Titrator NAPT-105
Automatic Potentiometer titrator NAPT-102
Automatic Hematology Analyzer NAHA-100
BOD Incubator NBI-100
Benchtop COD Digester NBCD-100
Benchtop COD Digester NBCD-101
BOD Meter NBOD-102
BOD Meter NBOD-101
BOD Meter NBOD-100
Benchtop Cytocentrifuge NBCC-100
Benchtop Digital Refractometer NBDR-200
Benchtop Dissolved Oxygen Meter NDOM-100
Benchtop Incubator Shaker NBIS-100
Benchtop Incubator Shaker NBIS-101
Benchtop Multi-Parameter Meter NBMM-100
Benchtop Refrigerated Centrifuge NBRC-100
Benchtop Refrigerated Centrifuge NBRC-101
Benchtop Refrigerated Centrifuge NBRC-102
Benchtop Refrigerated Centrifuge NBRC-103
Benchtop Refrigerated Centrifuge NBRC-200
Benchtop Multi-Parameter Meter NBMM-101
Benchtop vortex mixer NBVM-101
Benchtop pH Meter NBPM-201
Biological Microscope NBM-104
Biological Microscope NBM-105
Biological Microscope NBM-106
Biochemical Incubator NBCI-100
Benchtop pH Meter NBPM-200
Biological Microscope NBM-103
Biological microscope NBM-100
Biomedical Freezer NBMF-100
Biomedical Freezer NBMF-101
Biological microscope NBM-102
Biological Microscope NBM-101
Bottle Perpendicularity Tester NBPT-100
Calibration Instrument for Air sampler NCAS-200
Cell Washer Centrifuge NCWC-101
Class II Biosafety Cabinet NBSC-300
Class II Biosafety Cabinet NBSC-301
Class II Biosafety Cabinet NBSC-302
Class II Biosafety Cabinet NBSC-100
Class II Biosafety Cabinet NBSC-101
Cell Washer Centrifuge NCWC-100
Class II Biosafety Cabinet NBSC-201
Colony counter NCOC-100
Coal Moisture Meter NCMM-200
Class III Biosafety Cabinet NBSC-400
Class III Biosafety Cabinet NBSC-401
Colorimeter NCC-101
Colorimeter NCC-102
Colorimeter NCC-103
Colorimeter NCC-104
Colorimeter NCC-105
Conductivity Controller Analyzer NCCA-100
Commercial Food Dehydrator NCFD-108
Commercial Microwave Oven NCMO-100
Compressed air collector NCAC-200
Constant Temperature Water Bath NCWB-100
Constant Temperature Water Bath NCWB-101
Constant Temperature Water Bath NCWB-102
Constant Temperature Water Bath NCWB-103
Constant Temperature Water Bath NCWB-104
Constant Temperature Water Bath NCWB-105
Constant Temperature Water Bath NCWB-106
Cotton Moisture Meter NCMM-100
Colorimeter NCC-100
Clean Sampling Vehicle NCSV-200
Clean Sampling Vehicle NCSV-201
Ice Cube maker NICM-101
Cryostat Microtome NCRM-100
Deep Freezer NDF-100
Deep Freezer NDF-101
Deep Freezer NDF-102
Deep Freezer NDF-103
Constant Temperature Water Bath NCWB-203
Deep Freezer NDF-200
Density Meter NDSM-100
Differential Scanning Calorimeter NDSC-100
Differential Thermal Analyzer NDTA-100
Differential Thermal Analyzer NDTA-101
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-100
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-101
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-102
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-103
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-104
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-105
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-106
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-107
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-108
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-109
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-200
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-201
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-202
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-203
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-204
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-205
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-206
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-207
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-208
Digital Heating Mantle NDHM-209
Dissolved Oxygen Sensor NOS-100
Digital Hotplate NDH-100
Digital Microscope NDM-100
Dry Bath Incubator NDBI-100
Dry Bath Incubator NDBI-101
Drying Oven NDO-100
Drying Oven NDO-101
Drying Oven NDO-102
Drying Oven NDO-103
Drying Oven NDO-104
Drying Oven NDO-105
Drying Oven NDO-106
Drying Oven NDO-107
Drying Oven NDO-108
Drying Oven NDO-109
Drying Oven NDO-110
Drying Oven NDO-111
Electronic Balance NEB-101
Ducted Fume Hood NDFH-100
Ducted Fume Hood NDFH-101
Ducted Fume Hood NDFH-102
Ducted Fume Hood NDFH-103
Ducted Fume Hood NDFH-104
Ducted Fume Hood NDFH-105
Ducted Fume Hood NDFH-106
Electric Heating Mantle NEHM-100
Electric Heating Mantle NEHM-101
Electric Heating Mantle NEHM-102
Electric Heating Mantle NEHM-103
Electric Heating Mantle NEHM-104
Electric Heating Mantle NEHM-105
Electric Heating Mantle NEHM-106
Electric Heating Mantle NEHM-107
Electric Heating Mantle NEHM-108
Electric Heating Mantle NEHM-109
Digital Honey Refractometer NDHR-100
Digital Hotplate NDH-101
Digital Orbital Shaker NDOS-200
Digital Orbital Shaker NDOS-201
Digital Orbital Shaker NDOS-106
Digital Orbital Shaker NDOS-104
Digital Vernier Caliper NDVC-100
Dissolution Tester NDST-100
Dissolution Tester NDST-101
Dissolution Tester NDST-102
Dissolution Tester NDST-103
Ductless Fume Hood NDFH-200
Ductless Fume Hood NDFH-201
Ductless Fume Hood NDFH-202
Ductless Fume Hood NDFH-203
Disintegration Tester NDT-100
Disintegration Tester NDT-101
Disintegration Tester NDT-102
Disintegration Tester NDT-103
Dissolution Tester NDST-104
Drying Oven NDO-202
Drying Oven NDO-203
Drying Oven NDO-207
Drying Oven NDO-208
Electric Mortar and Pestle NEMP-100
Electronic balance NEB-205
Electronic Balance NEB-200
Electronic Balance NEB-201
Electronic Balance NEB-202
Electronic Balance NEB-203
Electronic Balance NEB-204
Electronic Balance NEB-300
Electronic Balance NEB-301
Electronic Balance NEB-302
Electronic Balance NEB-303
Electronic Balance NEB-304
Emergency Safety Shower NESS-100
Emergency Safety Shower NESS-104
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-100
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-101
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-102
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-103
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-104
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-105
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-106
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-107
Energy Dispersive XRF Spectrometer NXRF-100
Engine Tachometer NTCH-200
Engine Tachometer NTCH-201
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-200
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-201
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-202
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-203
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-204
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-205
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-206
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-207
Electrospinning machine NESM-100
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-300
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-301
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-302
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-303
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-304
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-305
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-306
Environmental Test Chamber NETC-307
Fixed Gas Analyzer NFXA-210
FISH hybridization system NFHS-100
FTIR Spectrometer NIRS-100
Filter Integrity Tester NFIT-100
Fixed Infrared Gas Analyzer NFIA-350
Flash Point tester NFPT-100
Flame Photometer NFP-100
Flame Photometer NFP-102
Flame Photometer NFP-103
Flame Photometer NFP-104
Flame Photometer NFP-105
Flame Photometer NFP-106
Floor type refrigerated centrifuge NFRC-103
Flame Photometer NFP-101
Floor Type Refrigerated Centrifuge NFRC-100
Floor Type Refrigerated Centrifuge NFRC-101
Floor Type Refrigerated Centrifuge NFRC-200
Floor Type Refrigerated Centrifuge NFRC-201
Floor-type Incubator Shaker NFIS-100
Floor-type Incubator Shaker NFIS-101
Floor-type Incubator Shaker NFIS-102
Fluorescence Spectrophotometer NFS-100
Floor Type Refrigerated Centrifuge NFRC-202
Fluorescence Microscope NFM-100
Fluorescence Microscope NFM-101
Floor type refrigerated Centrifuge NFRC-102
Food Moisture Meter NFMM-100
Freeze Dryer NFD-101
Freeze Dryer NFD-103
Freeze Dryer NFD-104
Freeze dryer NFD-102
Fully Automatic Chemistry Analyzer NFAC-200
Fully Automatic Chemistry Analyzer NFAC-201
Fully Automatic Chemistry Analyzer NFAC-202
Fully Automatic Chemistry Analyzer NFAC-203
Gas flow meter NGFM-100
Glass Water Distiller NGWD-100
Glass Water Distiller NGWD-101
Gel Documentation System NGDS-100
Gradient High-performance Liquid Chromatography NHLC-100
Gradient Thermal Cycler NGTC-200
Gradient Thermal Cycler NGTC-201
Gradient Thermal Cycler NGTC-202
Gradient Thermal Cycler NGTC-102
Gradient Thermal Cycler NGTC-103
Graphite Block Digester NGBD-200
Grain Moisture Meter NGMM-100
Graphite Block Digester NGBD-100
Graphite Block Digester NGBD-101
Graphite Block Digester NGBD-102
Graphite Block Digester NGBD-103
Graphite Block Digester NGBD-104
Graphite Block Digester NGBD-105
Halogen Moisture Analyzer NHMA-100
Halogen Moisture Analyzer NHMA-101
Halogen Moisture Analyzer NHMA-102
Halogen Moisture Analyzer NHMA-103
Halogen Moisture Analyzer NHMA-104
Halogen Moisture Analyzer NHMA-105
Halogen Moisture Analyzer NHMA-106
Halogen Moisture Analyzer NHMA-107
Halogen Moisture Analyzer NHMA-108
Halogen Moisture Analyzer NHMA-109
Horizontal Electrophoresis system NHES-104
Halogen moisture meter NHMA-111
Horizontal Electrophoresis system NHES-103
Handheld Homogenizer NHHH-100
Handheld Homogenizer NHHH-101
Heating Incubator NHI-100
Horizontal Autoclave NHA-100
Horizontal Autoclave NHA-101
Horizontal Autoclave NHA-102
Horizontal Autoclave NHA-103
Horizontal Autoclave NHA-104
Hybridization Incubator NHI-101
Hybridization Incubator NHI-102
High Speed Micro Centrifuge NHMC-100
Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NHMS-200
Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NHMS-201
Horizontal Electrophoresis system NHES-102
Industrial Circulation Chiller NICC-101
Industrial Circulation Chiller NICC-201
Homogenizer Mixer NLHM-100
Laboratory Sieve Shaker NLSS-100
Isocratic High-performance Liquid Chromatography NHLC-200
Laboratory Refrigerator Freezer NLRF-202
Laboratory Refrigerator Freezer NLRF-200
Laboratory Refrigerator Freezer NLRF-201
Laser Particle Counter NLPC-202
Laminar Flow Hood NLFH-204
Laser Particle Counter NLPC-201
Laser Particle Counter NLPC-200
Laser Particle Counter NLPC-203
Liquid Nitrogen Dewar NLND-100
Liquid Nitrogen Dewar NLND-101
Liquid Nitrogen Dewar NLND-102
Liquid Nitrogen Dewar NLND-103
Liquid Nitrogen Dewar NLND-104
Liquid Nitrogen Dewar NLND-105
Liquid Nitrogen Dewar NLND-106
Light Booth NLB-100
Liquid Density Meter NLDM-100
Leaf Area Meter NLAM-100
Ice Cube Maker NICM-100
Lux Meter NLXM-200
Lux Meter NLXM-201
Lux Meter NLXM-202
Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer NICP-100
Liquid Nitrogen Dewar NLND-200
Liquid Nitrogen Dewar NLND-201
Liquid Nitrogen Dewar NLND-202
Liquid Nitrogen Dewar NLND-203
Liquid Nitrogen Dewar NLND-204
Inverted Fluorescence Microscope NIFM-100
Inverted Fluorescence Microscope NIFM-101
Karl Fischer Titrator NKFT-100
Karl Fischer Titrator NKFT-101
Laboratory Mini Centrifuge NLMC-200
Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer NLMS-100
Laboratory Mini Centrifuge NLMC-100
Homogenizer Mixer NLM-100
Laminar Flow Hood NLFH-100
Laminar Flow Hood NLFH-101
Laminar Flow Hood NLFH-102
Laminar Flow Hood NLFH-103
Leaf Area Meter NLAM-101
Metallurgy Microscope NMM-100
Low Speed Centrifuge NLSC-100
Low Speed Centrifuge NLSC-101
Low Speed Centrifuge NLSC-102
Low Speed Centrifuge NLSC-103
Low Speed Centrifuge NLSC-104
Low Speed Centrifuge NLSC-105
Manual Lifting Rotary Evaporator NMRE-102
Manual Lifting Rotary Evaporator NMRE-104
Microbalance NMB-101
Microbial Air Sampler NMAS-200
Microbial Air Sampler NMAS-201
Micro Haematocrit Centrifuge NMHC-100
Microbial Air Sampler NMAS-202
Microplate Centrifuge NMC-100
Microplate shaker NMS-100
Microplate Reader NMPR-100
Microvolume Spectrophotometer NMVS-100
Microvolume Spectrophotometer NMVS-101
Microvolume Spectrophotometer NMVS-102
Microplate Washer NMWR-100
Microwave Digestion System NMDS-200
Microwave Digestion System NMDS-201
Microwave Digestion System NMDS-202
Microwave Digestion System NMDS-100
Mini Electrophoresis System NMES-100
Muffle Furnace NMF-202
Muffle Furnace NMF-203
Multi gas analyzer NMA-270
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-100
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-101
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-102
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-103
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-104
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-105
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-106
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-107
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-108
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-109
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-110
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-111
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-200
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-201
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-202
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-203
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-204
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-205
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-206
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-207
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-208
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-209
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-210
Multi-Position Heating Mantle NMHM-211
Multi-Position Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NMHS-200
Multi-Position Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NMHS-201
Multi-Position Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NMHS-202
Multi-Position Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NMHS-203
Muffle Furnace NMF-201
Multi-tube vortex mixer NMVM-100
Multi-Position Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NMHS-100
Multi-Position Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NMHS-101
Multi-Position Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NMHS-102
Multi-Position Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NMHS-103
Multi-gas Analyzer NMA-260
Multi-Position Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NMHS-300
Multi-Position Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NMHS-301
Multi-Position Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NMHS-302
Multi-Position Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NMHS-303
Multi-Position Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NMHS-400
Multi-gas Analyzer NMA-240
Multi-gas Analyzer NMA-250
Optical Phase Contrast Microscope NOPC-100
Nitrogen Gas Generator NNGG-100
Multi-Position Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NMHS-500
Multi-gas Analyzer NMA-230
Multi-position Hot Plate Magnetic Stirrer NMHS-600
Multitest analyzer NMTA-100
Overhead Stirrer NOHS-100
Overhead Stirrer NOHS-101
Overhead Stirrer NOHS-102
Overhead Stirrer NOHS-103
Overhead Stirrer NOHS-104
PCR Workstation NPW-100
PCR Workstation NPW-101
PCR Workstation NPW-102
PCR Workstation NPW-103
PCR Workstation NPW-104
Paper Electrophoresis Apparatus NPEA-100
Peristaltic Pump NPP-202
Pass Box NPB-200
Pass Box NPB-201
Pass Box NPB-202
Pass Box NPB-203
Pass Box NPB-204
Peristaltic Pump NPP-101
Paper Moisture Meter NPMM-100
Pharmaceutical Refrigerator NPR-104
Pharmaceutical Refrigerator NPR-103
Pharmaceutical Refrigerator NPR-100
Pharmaceutical Refrigerator NPR-105
Pharmaceutical Refrigerator NPR-106
Pharmaceutical Refrigerator NPR-107
Pharmaceutical Refrigerator NPR-108
Pharmaceutical Refrigerator NPR-109
Pharmaceutical Refrigerator NPR-102
Pinless Moisture Meter NPMM-200
Photo Contact Tachometer NTCH-300
Plasma Extractor NPE-100
Platelet Agitator Incubator NPAI-100
Platelet Agitator Incubator NPAI-101
Platelet Agitator Incubator NPAI-102
Polarized Light Microscope NPLM-100
Portable Color meter NPCM-200
Portable Conductivity Meter NCM-100
Portable Digital Refractometer NPDR-101
Portable Digital Refractometer NPDR-102
Portable Digital Refractometer NPDR-103
Portable Digital Refractometer NPDR-104
Portable Fluoride Analyzer NPFA-100
Portable Laboratory Dehumidifier NPLD-105
Portable Digital Refractometer NPDR-100
Portable Digital Refractometer NPDR-105
Portable laboratory dehumidifier NPLD-106
Portable Mineral Spectrometer NPMS-100
Portable Multiparameter Conductivity Meter NPMCM-100
Portable UV Disinfection Cart NUDC-100
Portable pH Conductivity Meter NPCM-100
Portable Laboratory Dehumidifier NPLD-104
Automatic Pour Point Tester NAPPT-101
Automatic Pour Point Tester NAPPT-100
Quaternary High Pressure Liquid Chromatography NHLC-301
Quaternary High Pressure Liquid Chromatography NHLC-302
Quaternary High Pressure Liquid Chromatography NHLC-303
Quaternary High Pressure Liquid Chromatography NHLC-300
Real Time Thermal Cycler NRTC-100
Raman Spectrometer NRS-100
Raman Spectrometer NRS-200
Recirculating Water Chiller Bath NRWC-100
Recirculating Water Chiller Bath NRWC-101
Recirculating Water Chiller Bath NRWC-102
Recirculating Water Chiller Bath NRWC-103
Recirculating Water Chiller Bath NRWC-104
Recirculating Water Chiller Bath NRWC-105
Recirculating Water Chiller Bath NRWC-106
Recirculating Water Chiller Bath NRWC-107
Recirculating Water Chiller Bath NRWC-108
Recirculating Water Chiller Bath NRWC-109
Recirculating Water Chiller Bath NRWC-110
Recirculating Water Chiller Bath NRWC-111
Recirculating Water Chiller Bath NRWC-112
Recirculating Water Chiller Bath NRWC-113
Recirculating Water Chiller Bath NRWC-114
Refrigerated Incubator NRI-102
Refrigerated Incubator NRI-100
Refrigerated Incubator NRI-101
Recirculating Water Chiller Bath NRWC-205
Refrigerated Incubator NRI-200
Refrigerated Incubator NRI-201
Rockwell Hardness Tester NRHT-100
Rotatory Tablet Press NRTP-200
Rotatory Tablet Press NRTP-201
Rheometer NRM-100
Semi-Automatic Kjeldahl Analyzer NSKN-101
Semi-Automatic Kjeldahl Analyzer NSKN-102
Semi-automatic Capsule Filling Machine NCFM-101
Semi-Automatic Microtome NSAM-100
Semi-Automatic Kjeldahl Analyzer NSKN-100
Shaker Water Bath NSWB-102
Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer NSTA-100
Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer NSTA-101
Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer NSTA-102
Single Gas Analyzer NSA-330
Shaker Water Bath NSWB-101
Soil Moisture Meter NSMM-100
Spectral Colorimeter NSC-100
Spectral Colorimeter NSC-101
Spectral Colorimeter NSC-102
Stacked Shaking Incubator NSSI-100
Sound Level Meter NSLM-100
Stainless Steel Water Distiller NSWD-100
Stainless Steel Water Distiller NSWD-101
Stainless Steel Water Distiller NSWD-102
Stainless steel water distiller NSWD-103
Stereo Microscope NSM-103
Stereo Microscope NSM-102
Stereo Microscope NSM-100
Stereo Microscope NSM-101
Stomacher Blender NSB-100
Stomacher Blender NSB-101
Stomacher Blender NSB-102
Stroboscope NSBS-200
Stroboscope NSBS-201
Stroboscope NSBS-202
Stroboscope NSBS-203
Stroboscope NSBS-204
Tap Density Tester NTDT-100
Tablet Friability Tester NTFT-100
Tablet Friability Tester NTFT-101
Tablet Friability Tester NTFT-102
Tablet Friability Tester NTFT-103
Tap Density Tester NTDT-101
Tap Density Tester NTDT-103
Tabletop Autoclave NTTA-100
Tabletop Autoclave NTTA-101
Tabletop Autoclave NTTA-102
Tabletop Autoclave NTTA-103
Tap Density Tester NTDT-102
Tube Rotator NTR-100
Tube rotator NTR -101
Turbidity Meter NTM-100
Tobacco Moisture Meter NTMM-100
Tube furnace NTF-101
UV Transilluminator NUVT-100
UV Visible Spectrophotometer NUVS-100
UV Visible Spectrophotometer NUVS-101
UV Visible Spectrophotometer NUVS-102
UV Visible Spectrophotometer NUVS-200
UV Visible Spectrophotometer NUVS-201
UV Visible Spectrophotometer NUVS-202
UV Visible Spectrophotometer NUVS-203
UV Visible Spectrophotometer NUVS-204
UV Visible Spectrophotometer NUVS-300
UV Visible Spectrophotometer NUVS-301
UV Visible Spectrophotometer NUVS-302
UV Visible Spectrophotometer NUVS-303
Ultra Low Temperature Freezer NULF-206
Ultra Low Temperature Freezer NULF-200
Ultra Low Temperature Freezer NULF-306
Ultrapure Water Purification System NUWS-100
Ultrapure Water Purification System NUWS-101
Ultrapure Water Purification System NUWS-102
Ultrapure Water Purification System NUWS-103
Ultrapure Water Purification System NUWS-104
Ultrapure Water Purification System NUWS-105
Ultrapure Water Purification System NUWS-106
Ultrapure Water Purification System NUWS-107
Ultrapure Water Purification System NUWS-108
Ultrapure Water Purification System NUWS-109
Ultrapure Water Purification System NUWS-110
Ultrapure Water Purification System NUWS-111
Ultrapure Water Purification System NUWS-112
Ultrapure Water Purification System NUWS-113
Ultra Low Temperature Freezer NULF-201
Ultra Low Temperature Freezer NULF-202
Ultra Low Temperature Freezer NULF-203
Ultra Low Temperature Freezer NULF-204
Ultra Low Temperature Freezer NULF-205
Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge NUTG-101
Vacuum Drying Oven NVDO-100
Vacuum Drying Oven NVDO-101
Vacuum Pump NVP-102
Vacuum Pump NVP-100
Vacuum Pump NVP-101
Vertical Electrophoresis System NVES-200
Vertical Electrophoresis System NVES-201
Vertical Electrophoresis System NVES-202
Vertical Electrophoresis System NVES-203
Vertical Tensile Tester NVTT-100
Water Jacketed CO2 Incubator NWCI-100
Water Jacketed CO2 Incubator NWCI-101
Water Jacketed CO2 Incubator NWCI-102
Wall Mounted Gas Analyzer NWMA-880
Visible Spectrophotometer NVS-100
Visible Spectrophotometer NVS-101
Visible Spectrophotometer NVS-102
Visible Spectrophotometer NVS-103
Water Jacketed CO2 Incubator NWCI-202
Water Automatic Smoke Generator NWSG-200
Weighing Booth NWB-200
Weighing Booth NWB-201
Weighing Booth NWB-202
Weighing Booth NWB-203
Weighing Booth NWB-204
Window Tint Meter NWTM-200
Window Tint Meter NWTM-201
Whiteness Meter NWNM-200
Whiteness Meter NWNM-201
Forced Air Drying Oven NFDO-100
Homogenizer Mixer NLM-101
pH controller Analyzer NPCA-100
Vapour Hydrogen Peroxide Generator NVHG-100
pH ORP meter NPOM-100
Automatic laser particle size analyzer NLPA-100
Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NHMS-305
Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NHMS-100
Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer NHMS-101
Blood Shaker NBS-100
TLC Apparatus NTLC-100
Torsion Testing Machine NTTM-100
Muffle Furnace NMF-204
Charpy/Izod Impact Tester NTCI-100
Refrigerated Laboratory Mini Centrifuge NRMC-100
Servo Hydraulic Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System NSHS-100
Colour Spectrophotometer NCS-100
Rockwell Hardness Tester NRHT-101
Fume Extractor NFER-100
Micropipette NMP-101
Micropipette NMP-102
Micropipette NMP-103
Micropipette NMP-104
Micropipette NMP-105
Micropipette NMP-106
Micropipette NMP-107
Micropipette NMP-108
Semi Automatic Chemistry Analyzer NSCA-102
Micropipette NMP-100
Horizontal Electrophoresis System NHES-105
Automatic Lifting Rotary Evaporator NARE-103
Bench-top conductivity meter NBCM-100
Portable Acetylene Gas Analyzer NAGA-100
Blood Bag Tube Sealer NBTS-100
Oil Water Content Tester NWCT-100
Corrosion Resistant Chamber NCRC-100
Micropipette NMP-109
Micropipette NMP-112
Micropipette NMP-111
Micropipette NMP-110
Cassette Autoclave NCAC-100
Gravity Convection Oven NGCO-100
Portable Laboratory Dehumidifier NPLD-107
Multi-Purpose pH Tester NMPT-100
Haze meter NHM-100
Color & Haze meter NHM-101
Metal Detector NMD-100
Temperature and Humidity Test Chamber NTHC-100
Temperature and Humidity Test Chamber NTHC-200
Universal Testing Machine NUTM-100
Tube furnace NTF-100
Brookfield Viscometer NVM-702
Brookfield Viscometer NVM-700
Rotational Viscometer NVM-600
Rotational Viscometer NVM-601
Rotational Viscometer NVM-602
Rotational Viscometer NVM-603
Rotational Viscometer NVM-604
Rotational Viscometer NVM-605
Rotational Viscometer NVM-606
Rotational Viscometer NVM-607
Rotational Viscometer NVM-101
Rotational Viscometer NVM-500
Rotational Viscometer NVM-501
Rotational Viscometer NVM-502
Rotational Viscometer NVM-503
Kinematic Viscometer NKV-100
Kinematic Viscometer NKV-101
Rotational Viscometer NVM-400
Rotational Viscometer NVM-401
Precision Balance NPRB-100
Floor Balance NFRB-200
Deionized Water System NDWS-100
Floor Balance NFRB-100
Floor Balance NFRB-101
Biological Microscope NBM-107
Thermostatic Water Bath NTWB-100
Microcentrifuge Tubes NMCT-101
Microcentrifuge tubes NMCT-100
Vacuum Pump NVP-103
Universal Testing Machine NUTM-200
Patient Transport Trolly NPTT-100
Suction Apparatus NSUA-100
Pneumatic Mattresses NPNM-100
Floor Balance NFRB-201
Stereo Microscope NSM-104
Automatic Glassware Washer NAGW-100
Automatic Glassware Washer NAGW-103
Automatic Glassware Washer NAGW-101
Class II Biosafety Cabinet NBSC-103
Class II Biosafety Cabinet NBSC-102
Plant growth chamber NPGC-100
Infrared Digestion Furnace NIDF-100
Infrared Digestion Furnace NIDF-101
Infrared Digestion Furnace NIDF-102
Plant growth chamber NPGC-101
Plant growth chamber NPGC-102
Flammable Safety Cabinets NFSC-100
Stainless Steel Water Distiller NSWD-104
Corrosive Cabinet NSCC-100
NIR Spectrophotometer NNIR-100
Vacuum Autoclave NVAC-100
Gas Chromatography NGC-100
Stainless Steel Electric Water Distiller NEWD-100
Stainless Steel Water Distiller NSWD-105
Ultra Low Temperature Freezer NULF-207
Calibration Weight Set NCWS-100
Semi-Automatic Kjeldahl Analyzer NSKN-103
Automatic Hematology Analyzer NAHA-200
Automatic Hematology Analyzer NAHA-201
Fluorescence Immunoassay Analyzer NIIA-100
Automatic Hematology Analyzer NAHA-101
Analytical High-performance Liquid Chromatography NHLC-400
Microcentrifuge Rack NMCR-101
Automatic Hematology Analyzer NAHA-202
Lux Meter NLXM-203
Multiple Function Test Tube Rack NMCR-100
Soil moisture meter NSMM-101
Urine Analyzer NUNZ-100
Filter Integrity Tester NFIT-101
Bottle Carbon Dioxide Pressure Tester NBCP-100
Constant Temperature Humidity Cabinet NCTH-100
Laser Distance Meter NLADM-100
Automatic Coagulation Analyzer NACA-100
Bilirubinometer NBLM-100
Automatic Microtome NAME-100
Automated NGS Library Preparation System NNGS-100
Soxhlet Apparatus NSS-100
Tissue floatation water bath and slide dryer NTFS-100
Precision Balance NPRB-200
Tissue Stainer NTS-100
Halogen Moisture Analyzer NHMA-110
Benchtop Digital Refractometer NBDR-201
Freezing Point Tester NFTM-100
Pycnometer NPM-100
Multi-Parameter Water Quality Analyzer NMWA-100
Automatic Kinematic Viscometer NAKV-100
Multipurpose Vortex Mixer NMVM-101
Kinematic Viscometers NKV-102
Automatic Carbon Residue Tester NACR-100
Gasoline Oxidation Stability Tester NGOT-100
Vapour Hydrogen Peroxide Generator NVHG-101
Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker NEMS-100
Benchtop High Speed Centrifuge NHSC-102
Automated Hematology Slide Stainer NAHS-100
Vacuum Pump NVP-104
Dissolved Oxygen Sensor NOS-101
Liquid Particle Counter NLPC-100
Fiber Analyzer NFA-100
Fiber Analyzer NFA-101
Muffle Furnace NMF-205
Ion Chromatography NIC-100
Flow Cytometer NFC-100
TOC Analyzer NTOC-100
Automatic Vapor Pressure Tester(REID METHOD)NAVT-100
Blood gas analyzer NBGA-100
Fat Analyzer NASE-100
Rheometer NMR-101
Liquid Particle Counter NLPC-101
Automatic Cold Filter Point Tester NACF-100
Analytical Balance NAB-106
Coal Moisture Meter NCMM-201
Gas Chromatography NGC-101
Low Speed Centrifuge NLSC-106
Muffle Furnace NMF-206
Natural Convection Oven NTCO-100
Forced Air Drying Oven NFDO-101
Digital Food Testing Thermometer NFTT-103
Digital Thermometer NIDT-100
Glass Thermometer NGT-100
Industrial Infrared Thermometer NIIT-100
Bimetallic Thermometer NBT-100
Aromatic Hydrocarbons Tester NAHT-100
Stackable CO₂ Shaker Incubator NCSI-200
Floor balance NIEB-100
Floor Balance NFRB-300
Digital Microscope NPDM-100
Water Jacketed CO₂ Incubator NWCI-103
Gradient Thermal Cycler NGTC-203
Real-Time Thermal Cycler NRTC-101
Benchtop High Speed Centrifuge NHSC-100
Ultrapure Water Purification System NUWS-114
Electronic Pipette NELP-100
Drying Oven NDO-204
Benchtop High Speed Centrifuge NHSC-101
Tabletop Autoclave NTTA-104
Vertical Autoclave NVA-100
Vertical Autoclave NVA-102
Vertical Autoclave NVA-103
Vertical Autoclave NVA-104
Vertical Autoclave NVA-105
Vertical Autoclave NVA-101
Vacuum Leak Tester NVLT-100
COD analyzer NCA-100
Pharmaceutical Refrigerator NPR-101
Brightness Tester NBGT-100
Slide Cabinet NSDC-100
Slide Drying Cabinet NSDC-200
Bacti Cinerator Sterilizer NBCS-100
Paraffin Wax Dispenser NPWD-100
Forced Air Drying Oven NFDO-102
Automatic Polarimeter NAPR-100
Tissue Embedding System NTES-100
Tri Gas Incubator NTGI-100
High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge NHRC-100
Vacuum Drying Oven NVDO-102
Nucleic Acid Extraction System NNAE-100
Inverted Biological Microscope NIBM-100
Double Beam Balance NDDB-100
Micropipette NMP-113
Electronic Pipette NELP-101
Multi-viewing Biological Microscope NMB-100
Electronic Pipette Controller NEPC-100
Linear Pipette Stand NLPS-100
Ultra Low Temperature Freezer NULF-303
Microwave Chemical Reactor NMOR-100
Tube Roller Mixer NTRM-100
Hygro Thermometer NHT-100
Ozone Generator NOZG-100
Online Ion Meter NOIM-100
Anaerobic Incubator NAC-100
Hygro Thermometer NTHM-100
Hygro Thermometer NTHM-101
Gas Chromatography Mass spectrometry NGMS-100
Dry Block Temperature Calibrator NDTC-100
Platinum Resistance Thermometer NPRT-100
Temperature Humidity Data Logger NTHL-100
Temperature Humidity Data Logger NTHL-101
Thermocouple Thermometer NTT-100
Temperature Data Logger NTDL-100
Timer Calibrator NTC-100
Blood Pressure Machine Calibrator NBPC-100
Dry Block Temperature Calibrator NDTC-101
Anemometer NAM-100
Plasma Thawing Bath NPTB-100
Online Ozone Meter NOOM-100
Flake Ice Maker NFIM-106
Flake Ice Maker NFIM-102
Flake Ice Maker NFIM-103
Flake Ice Maker NFIM-104
Flake Ice Maker NFIM-105
Flake Ice Maker NFIM-100
Flake Ice Maker NFIM-101
Constant Temperature Incubator NCTI-100
Constant Temperature Incubator NCTI-101
Constant Temperature Incubator NCTI-102
Constant Temperature Incubator NCTI-103
Constant Temperature Incubator NCTI-104
Constant Temperature Incubator NCTI-105
Ultrasonic Cleaner NUCB-100
Ultrasonic Cleaner NUCB-101
Ultrasonic Cleaner NUCB-102
Ultrasonic Cleaner NUCB-103
Ultrasonic Cleaner NUCB-104
Ultrasonic Cleaner NUCB-105
Ultrasonic Cleaner NUCB-106
Ultrasonic Cleaner NUCB-107
Ultrasonic Cleaner NUCB-108
Ultrasonic Cleaner NUCB-207
Benchtop Refrigerated Centrifuge NBRC-300
Freezing Point Osmometer NFPO-100
High speed Mini Centrifuge NHMC-200
Spectrum Analyzer NSPA-100
Low Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge NLRC-100
High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge NHRC-101
Automated Blood Culture System NABS-100
High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge NHRC-102
Vacuum Drying Oven NVDO-103
Automatic Electrolyte Analyzer NAEA-100
High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge NHRC-103
Gerber Milk Centrifuge NGMC-100
DBS Automatic Puncher NDAP-100
Vacuum Concentrator Centrifuge NVCC-100
Digital pH Meter NDPM-100
Multiparameter Conductivity Meter NPMCM-200
Microbial ID/AST System NMBS-100
Temperature and Humidity Test Chamber NTHC-101
Horizontal Autoclave NHA-200
Spirit Lamp NSL-100
Cone Penetrometer NCP-100
Polarizing Stress Tester NPST-100
Thermal Shock Resistance Tester NTST-100
Vacuum Desiccator NVD-100
Glass Bottle Impact Tester NGIT-100
Wifi Digital Microscope Camera NDMC-100
Tablet Hardness Tester NTHT-100
Single Punch Tablet Press NSPT-A100
Benchtop Multi-Parameter Meter NBMM-102
Automated Blood Culture System NABS-101
Bunsen Burner NBB-200
ESR Analyzer NERA-100
Metallurgy Microscope NMM-101
Melt Flow Indexer NMFI-101
Melt Flow Indexer NMFI-102
Melt Flow Indexer NMFI-103
UV Irradiation Chamber NUIC-100
Benchtop Colorimeter NBC-100
Dissolution Tester NDST-105
Portable Freezer NPFR-100
Flash Point Tester NFPT-101
Manual Rotary Evaporator NMRE-105
Vacuum Pump NVP-105
Drug Stability Test Chamber NDSTC-100
Solid density meter NSDM-100
Oxidation Stability Tester NOST-100
Touch Thermal Cycler NTTC-100
Flow Cytometer NFC-101
EMF Meter NEMF-100
DNA Analyzer NDA-100
Microplate Reader NMPR-101
IR Carbon and Sulphur Analyzer NCSA-103
Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer NICP-101
Ultra Low Sulphur Analyzer NUSA-100
Kinematic Viscometer NKV-103
Cellulose Acetate Electrophoresis System NCES-100
Forced Air Drying Oven NFDO-103
Multi-Channel Pipette NMCP-100
Turbidity Meter NTM-101
Air Quality Monitor NAQM-100
Salt Meter NASM-100
Micropipette NMP-200
Micropipette NMP-201
Rotating Pipette Stand NRPS-100
Automatic Distillation Apparatus NADA-101
Digital Orbital Shaker NDOS-202
Bostwick Consistometer NBWC-100
Solvent Extractor NSE-100
Biochemical Incubator NBCI-101
PH Conductivity Meter NPCM-101
Automatic Melting Point Meter NMPM-205
TSS Meter NTSS-100
Slide Cabinet NSDC-101
Bostwick Consistometer NBWC-101
Bostwick Consistometer NBWC-102
Liquid Density Meter NLDM-101
Blood Bank Refrigerator NBBR-100
Kinematic Viscometer NKV-104
Anaerobic Incubator NAC-101
Kinematic Viscometer NKV-105
Water Activity Meter NWAM-100
Automatic Kinematic Viscometer NAKV-101
Semi-Automatic Coagulation Analyzer NSAA-100
Portable Geiger Counter NGCR-100
Portable Oil Particle Counter NPOC-100
Multi-position Hot Plate Magnetic Stirrer NMHS-700
Automatic UV-Visible Spectrophotometer NAUS-100
Refrigerated Shaking Incubator NRSI-100
High Speed Homogenizer NHSH-100
High Speed Homogenizer NHSH-101
Density Meter NDSM-101
Infrared Thermometer NIIT-101
Lux Meter NLXM-204
Forced Air Drying Oven NFDO-104
Ultrasonic Cleaner NUCB-208
Digital Multimeter NDMM-100
Kinematic Viscometer NKV-106
Benchtop Downdraft Hood NDDH-100
Biosafety Dunk Tank NBDT-100
Solvent Filtration Apparatus NSFA-100
X-ray Diffraction System NXDS-100
Bottle Perpendicularity Tester NBPT-101
Ion Chromatography NIC-101
Biological Microscope NBM-108
Vacuum Solvent Recovery System NVSR-100
Vacuum-Type Glass Filtration Unit NVGF-103
Vacuum-Type Multiple Filtration Unit NVMF-102
BOD Meter NBOD-103
TOC Analyzer NTOC-200
Temperature and Humidity Meter NTAH-100
Thermal Conductivity Tester NTCT-100