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Raman Spectrometer NRS-200

Raman Spectrometer NRS-200

Raman Spectrometer NRS-200

Raman Spectrometer NRS-200 is high throughput analytical instrument that helps in quick and reliable identification of a variety of liquid, solid, or powder samples depending on their unique chemical fingerprint. It employs non-destructive technique and analyses by illuminating a sample with monochromatic light which is measured by determining the light scattered by a sample using a spectrometer. It is a versatile tool that is used by many academic and research institutes.

Wavelength range 200~800 nm
Wavelength accuracy ≤ 0.4 nm
Wavelength repeatability ≤ 0.2 nm
Stray light ≤ 10-3
Reciprocal of linear dispersion 2.7 nm/mm
Half-width of spectral line ≤ 0.2 nm at 586 nm
Monochromator relative aperture ratio D/F=1/5.5
Monochromator optical grating 1200 lines/mm, blazed wavelength at 500 nm
Monochromator slit width ~2 mm, continuously adjustable
Monochromator indication accuracy 0.01 mm
Single-photon counter integration time 0~30 min
Single-photon counter max count 107
Single-photon counter threshold voltage 0~2.6V, 1~256 Block (10 mV/Block)
Overall dimension 700×500×450 mm
Weight 70 kg

Typically employed in life sciences such as for research and academics as well in geological and archaeological studies and pharmaceutical industries.

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Raman Spectrometer

FTIR Spectrometer NIRS-100

Wavenumber Range 7800 ~ 350 cm-1
Resolution 1 cm-1
Signal Noise Ratio 30000:1 (4cm-1; sample and background scan for 1 min 2100cm-1)
Detector Pyro electric detector

Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer NICP-100
Sampling time 100ms - 10s
Photomultiplier tube R212UH
Sampling System Specification: - Quartz tubes 20mm three concentric type
Nebulizer 6mm, coaxial type
Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer NICP-101
Element Detection Limit 1ppb to 10ppb for most elements
Repeatability RSD < 1%
Stability RSD < 1.5% over 2 hours
Solid Content Measurement Range 0.001% to 70%

Energy Dispersive XRF Spectrometer NXRF-100

Detection method Energy dispersion X-Ray fluorescence
Accuracy ±0.01%
Machine resolution 129 ± 5eV
Measuring range 1% - 99.999%